Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fast-Tracked is the new Synergey

OMG the PR department have been hard at it and the media have gone wild over it, it's everywhere you look. Save your self, do not, I repeat do not turn on the TV. Once again you ask Why? Well I'd tell you why but not this time as you already know why, as it was "Fast Tracked" to you from where ever it comes from.

That's right I'm on about these stupid BUZZ words the colective minds of this world come up with to get you to buy, veiw, touch, smell, try or what ever it is they want you to do. I have an idea, why don't these Buzzlens go Fast Track their colective Butts together while Synergizing the fate of the human race.... or just put those brain powers into the S.E.T.I. project.

Buzzlens (pronounced as Buzz-len): are people who do nothing all day but make up catch words or phrases.
Buzzlen is a made up word that I came up with, but give it time it may just be the new buzz word but I'll try to Fast Track it for you.


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