Monday, March 07, 2005

Get it in your HEAD

What's with some people?

You tell them to do their own work or if it's a joint work problem to help even if you alocate the smallest thing like research things on the net, they just can't seem to do it? they ask questons all day about god know what for about god know how many times (I fear till your ears bleed) and just don't get the fact of anything.

You could tell them cut the red wire and they'd stare at you like a cow would stare at an on-comming truck, Or to put it another way tell them to grab the apple from the table and cut it into four (4) slices + .......???? that sounds easy don't it? well to these type of people it's not, Ohh no not by a long shot. They first must ask you what you just told them no less ten (10) times then to add insult to injury that MUST ask you how to do it and then for the fanarly of it all they'll ask you what you want them to do again then explain why and how...... AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

These people must be shot, and if not shot then atleast put into a production line type of work, Oh wait what was I thinking.... They'lkl ask

Dam Cows


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