Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Brain Food

Dont eat bread, dont eat potato's it's all bad for your brain. If you eat them how well do you think?
I propose that for three weeks you try this out.

Week 1

Step 1. Buy a book that you have NEVER read before.
Step 2. Read one page of that book.
Step 3. Eat bread and potato's for one week
Step 4. On the last day of that week write down on paper what you read in the book, if you cant remember just write the words you do remember.

Week 2

Do not eat as much bread or potato's or none at all.

Week 3

Step 1. Go forward 10 pages in book read new page from the book
Step 2. Don't eat any bread or potato's at all
Step 3. On the last day of that week write down on paper what you read in the book, if you cant remember just write the words you do remember.

Now count how many words you remembered from both weeks.

See I told you not to eat them.

Oh one other thing, you can eat other foods but do not eat foods with flour and/or starch in them while doing this self test.

I will not be held acountable for the actions you undertake.


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